Artica Listens 2021: Ignas Krunglevičius promotional trailer

Located in Longyearbyen, Svalbard, Artica Svalbard is the world’s northernmost artist residency programme. Artica hosts an annual public event called Artica Listens. For Artica Listens 2021 Ignas Krunglevičius, created HARD BODY DYSPRAXIA, a sonic installation inside Longyearbyen’s disused coal power plant. The power plant was built in 1920 and after WWII saw various extensions and reconstructions. Finally closing down in 1983 when the new larger energy plant took over. Since then the doors have remained closed and the building untouched. This is a trailer for the event.

Credit: director, producer, editor
Audio: Ignas Krunglevičius


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